This fast little project was another that I completed for my office craft space transformation! Under $10, should keep me organized (maybe), and adds a bit of color the area behind my desk. Not to mention, everyone loves a good chalkboard… so yay! I will be sharing at least 5 or 6 other projects for this space throughout the weekend and following week! No office transformation would be complete without a full detailed account of the work that has been done and a complete gallery showcase of the room! Stay tuned for that… it’s gonna be good friends!
You can see how these fun little friends fit into my ‘just about finished’ office craft space transformation… They sit perfectly next to my PB knock off Rustic Ladder
I purchased 2 of these hot pink picture frame 2 packs from IKEA. I think they were around $4 for each pair! Fabulous right?

I removed the back and used the cardboard insert to trace out a shape on medium weight card stock, and painted it with DecoArt Chalkboard Paint.

Place them back in the frame only without the plexi cover so you can write on the chalkboard (duh, I know).

Condition the chalkboard paint by covering the surface with chalk, then erase and you are ready for use!

That’s it…couldn’t be easier! So fun right?
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