If you thought the French Cafe from Little Play Spaces was cute, wait till you get a load of this beauty… a Beauty Parlor that is (ha, see what I did there…yep cracking myself up…what can I say I don't get out much anymore)… so fun, right? This kind of imaginitive play is oh so fabulous and frankly I wish I had a little girl for this fab find!
Read all about the item here and be sure to check out the other giveaways that are already underway by clicking here (including the giveaway for the French Cafe mentioned above)!
PRIZE: Little Play Spaces Retro Beauty Parlor
ENTRY: US and Canadian residents only
GIVEAWAY: Ends December 12th at midnight PST, winner drawn at random and announced Thursday morning, December 13th
Ps…there is a link to “share” the giveaway with friends, at the very bottom of the rafflecopter box, for you to earn even more entries if you like!!