We all love our Kreg jigs, don’t we? Most of us (like me) do not enjoy filling the holes. We could buy pocket hole plugs but they can be quite pricey especially when you have a project with a lot of pocket holes to fill. An easy and extremely inexpensive way to fill the holes is to use a 3/8” dowel rod and a Japanese flush cut saw. Sure, you’ll have to spend the money on the saw up front but it really isn’t that expensive (Rockler has them for $7.99 here). Dowel rods can be purchased for less than $1.00 and one dowel will yield tons of plugs!
Put a couple drops of glue in the pocket hole. Insert the dowel (it may be a little snug so tap the end with a rubber mallet to get it seated in the hole completely).
Use the flush cut saw to cut away the excess dowel, making sure it is a little long.

In other words, cut it so that it is not completely flush with your project to keep from marring the wood with the saw. (Trust me, it happens – I do it all the time!)

Sand it so it is smooth and flush with your project.
That’s it – super easy, right??