My daughter-in-law asked me to make her a Bat House. I thought it was a joke until I researched the subject and discovered that there is all kinds of interest in protecting our bat population. One way to help is to provide them with safe homes to live, grow, entertain, and raise families in. Bat Conservation International (and other organizations) provide plans to build bat houses. They are very easy to build unless, like me, you choose to inlay tile in the roof.
Building the bat house was fun and I hope it attracts only bats that will take care of a nice neighborhood.

Nothing special. I just followed the instructions for a single chamber bat house as presented by Bat Conservation International. I did add a roof.
Cost about $20. I had to buy one sheet of 2’x4′ exterior plywood (B-C), $4 on paint, and I spent $1 on images of bats but the rest I had in the garage.
About one day
I added a roof that was not in the plans.
Exterior plywood, pine and cedar for the roof.
Kona stain in the interior. Spray satin enamel on the exterior. Any old stain on the roof. Of course lots of sanding.