I did it! I actually used my sewing machine and I rocked out 4 amazing window treatment panels that look just gorgeous. And of course by gorgeous I actually mean, not completely crooked, and relatively professional looking… at least from the front!
For those of you who know me in real life or have been with me here at TDC for a while now, you know that power tools are more my speed. Sewing machines… not so much. It’s odd really, but sewing machines freak me out and are such an abstract concept to me. But, several dozen YouTube videos later and no less than one million rethreadings of my needle, bobbin or other various doohickeys (totally technical term), I actually managed to not only work but master that dang thing. Now I should add that my sewing machine is ancient. It was my grandma’s and so to figure out how to use it, I had to track down tutorials on threading and operating ‘vintage’ sewing machines. That made things a bit more tricky, but luckily vintage is IN my friends, and there were definitely great clips showing how to work those crazy mothers.
It’s funny because the best videos I found were actually by a man, which I thought was a lovely turn of the coin. Especially seeing as how here at TDC, we gals are generally talking about all things manly and power toolish.
A little bit of proof right there… And a little tiny snippet of that dinosaur of a sewing machine. I didn’t get fancy in my hemming technique. In fact I seriously kept it simple and didn’t even double it up. I just folded over 1/2″ on all sides, pinned it and ran my line about 1/4″ in.
The amazing folks over at Online Fabric Store so kindly gave me free reign to choose some fabric for this project and I was analysis paralysis there for a bit in trying to choose something that had a pattern, but was still fairly neutral without being boring. You should see their selection, it’s off the chain my fabric loving friends… But it’s the quality of the fabric I chose that’s impressive, and their prices (awesome for sure). The ‘hand’ this fabric has is outstanding. It’s thick-ish, and a bit like twill only not so opaque (light filters through a bit still). In other words, perfect for home decor uses! This is partly why I didn’t bother with a double hem. I really didn’t need to. That was probably a good thing since a double hem is a tad more complicated than a single for this newbie!
Since most fabric comes in widths between 48″ and 54″ I figured it would be just fine to actually cut the fabric right down the middle. Each half would then make a 27″ panel, given that my fabric was 54″ in width, and since these panels are purely decorative and not for the purpose of covering the windows this works well. In fact, I really don’t want them to cover the windows at all if I can help it. I want every drop of natural light I can get. Since my windows in the family room aren’t centered on one side of the room, and there are only 6″ between the window and the wall on one end of the window line, having a smaller drape area is preferable or it will block the light and look odd, especially when compared to the opposite wall, which has a centered window line. Go figure…
After I split the width, hemmed, and hung these beauties I was eager to start another project that requires I actually sew something with the machine. I kinda love that sucker now, is that strange?
I feel like a big girl now that I can work the Singer… Perhaps I should move into the current century at some point and get a machine that is more digital than analog, what do you think?

Not bad, eh? I’m no where near professional yet, but just you wait… I shall conquer the sewing machine just like I did the other tools in my arsenal!
Disclosure: I was provided product for this project, but was in no way told what to write, make, or struggle with at any point, and all ramblings and fingers stabbings are my own.