I hope those of you who live in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It's nice to step away for a couple of days and enjoy some time with family. I have been secretly working on several fun projects behind the scenes here and I am super excited to share them with you! One of those projects is a complete site and brand overhaul and I'm chomping at the bit to launch the new site, it's absolutely gorgeous!Â
While we have been chipping away at that grand project, we have been in full Holiday Decorating Mania here at the House of TDC. I can't wait to share what's in store, and I will be sharing several Handmade Holiday Decor and Gift projects over the next few weeks, and first on the list is this gorgeous faux brass himmeli wreath! I am a tad tired of traditional wreaths at the moment and since I absolutely adore this style of decor and think this particular tradition is quite lovely (Finnish Christmas tradition for celebrating a good harvest), this is the perfect piece for my design wandering self. I also love that you can thread through some greenery if you like (seen here), to fancy it up even more. I'm all about a handmade decorating project or 17 and this one is perhaps one of my favorites so far! It actually hurt my brain to figure out how to do this (not an exaggeration), but as per the usual antics around these parts… my pain is your gain. I have made this so completely simple for you guys that you don't even have to think much at all and there is absolutely no math or tricky geometry for you to attempt. Just buy the supplies and you are good to go!Â
These are the supplies you will need:
- Gold Spray Paint
- String or thin cord (I used this white cord you see above)
-  Cake Pop Straws/Lollipop Sticks (120) – must be hollow in the middle (can also use paper straws cut to about 6″), I found mine in the holiday section of my grocery store, they are Wilton brand and 30 per pack (they sell paper straws in bulk quantities on amazon.com).
- Scissors
Begin by cutting a long length of your string. You can see how much I used in the image below. It was way more than enough and not to worry, if you run out at any point, you can simply tie off and string another piece through and continue on.Â
Thread 3 straws onto your string and pull your string almost all the way through. Leave about 2 inches hanging from the last straw.Â
Form your straws into a general triangle shape.
Thread the long end of your string back down through the first straw (the one with the short end hanging out from it) and tie off your original loose end. This isn't exactly necessary, but it will help keep things tight and secure moving forward.

Thread on 2 more straws, form a general triangle shape and thread your string through the straw closest to the end of the string you see below (in the second image, the string runs alongside the straw you will thread through, it's the 2nd straw you threaded on, in step 1).

Pull your string tight after each step to be sure you have adequate tension. After all, this baby is built on tension and relies on it to sit pretty. Thread on 2 more straws and thread your string through the straw you see it alongside in the image below (it's the straw at the top of the image).

Thread on 2 straws and then thread your string through the straw next to the end of the string in the image below.

We are almost finished with our basic shape! Once we finish off the bottom portion, we will make it 3 dimensional and then we will simply repeat for 7 more of these beauties. Easy Peasy. The last thing we will do before we work upward is to thread on one more straw then connect it across the way to the straw you see the string adjacent to.

Pull it tight and tie it off at the spot where it comes out of the straw you just threaded it through. This will help keep everything nice and tight moving forward. Your project should look like mine below, give or take and will no longer be flat!

Now we it upward and complete the geometric shape. It will get a bit tricky to explain the next few steps with photos, given the angles and number of straws we are working with now, so bear with me while I attempt to make sense. Thread 2 straws through and then thread your string through the piece you see it near in the image below.Â

This next step is in 3 sections: first you will thread one straw, then you will loop your string under the point formed by the 2 straws from the previous step (first image below). Then you will thread another straw and pull (second image below). You will thread your string through the straw that is one removed from where your string came out of for this step (third image below). In the image below you see 3 straws on the left hand side that are all polka dotted and that is where your string came out from the step before this. The striped straw on the right (one away from the polka dotted trifecta) is where you will thread your string through now. See what I mean? Confusing to explain and show…Â

Now when you pull your string tight, you can see how it's taking shape! Thread one more straw (your last for this unit) and then thread your string down one of the straws from your previous triangle. You can see my thread inside of the straw in the image below.Â
Pull your string tight and tie it off at your exit point. You have now created 1 out of 8 geometric shapes you will need for this wreath. The rest are super easy to do once you get going!

To begin the next section you can either continue on using the same string if it's long enough. Or you can start with a new string. If you start with a new string, simply thread it through one of the perimeter pieces and tie the end to the existing string to secure it. Then you will thread 3 straws onto your string and thread your string back through the first straw in this series of 3 (first image below).
From here you will just continue on as you did above and thread 2 straws, loop it through, thread 2 more and so on and so forth until you finish your next shape (second image below). Then start the next section just as you did this second section.Â
When you get to your last shape, you will begin in the same manner I described in the previous step, loop 3 straws in the same manner, then instead of threading 2 straws and continuing on, you will simply thread through the perimeter piece on the adjoing shape (third image below). Those 2 points are the only points in which your last shape will connect to the existing shapes. Then you will simply continue on forming your shape.Â

Once you finish, make sure all of your string ends are secured well, then trim the dangling ends and spray paint using your preferred gold metallic spray paint. Enjoy!
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