
Design Moments: Out of Sight Out of Mind + Some Peace of Mind for The Master Bath

02.20.14 By //

This post is sponsored by Rolling Door Designs, all ramblings and traumatizing experiences are 100% my own.

So, this here little ditty was take 3 on my rolling door saga. Because I doubted my instincts for a quick minute and listed to my hubster (what was I thinking….). For those of you who have been with us here at the house of TDC for a bit, you know by now that Mr. TDC is a bit of a pessimist, if you will. One of those ‘glass is half empty, every idea is a horrible idea that will definitely not work, no matter what’… kind of guy. While I happen to be one of an entirely different mentality that is more like, ‘yahoo – anything is possible, let’s totally try it, I will figure out how to rock this thing if it kills me’… So ya, we are exact opposites. Occasionally we are a nice balance that way, but sometimes it gets the better of me and I second guess my decisions, and in this instance it led to not one but two re-do’s on this project, the 2nd of which was right back where I originally started and should have just stayed in the first place. Eek. But I will go into that in more detail another day.

Please excuse the photo bomb by our adopted fur baby, Percy. He is just so delightfully awkward that it makes him kind of cute. Kind of…

And, let me back up to say… I found a solution to an ongoing problem we have in this house. Yahoo. Out west, here in northern California – home of the master planned community and the birth of suburbia on steroids… everything is an open plan layout when it comes to home design. At least the majority of the time. Mainly this is lovely, but when the shower in your master bedroom can double as a small room in your home and echoes like a cavernous auditorium, the early morning schedule the Mr. and I keep is a bit of a rude awakening for one (or more) of us on most days. Grumpy is the new black in our household, to be sure. Since most of the members in this family end up in our room at some point during the night (including the dogs), this leads to a pretty steady stream of grouchiness across the board. Since our master bath is also a tad on the darker side, which is ironic in this house given the sheer amount of windows everywhere else, closing it off completely isn’t really a functional option either. So the rolling door is the next best solution! With the high arched doorways, the rolling door leaves an opening at the top that let’s in quite a bit of light and yet closes off such a huge amount of the noise from the shower that it’s become our happily ever after, du jour. I suppose it will have to be something else that creates the grump in this house for a while. I’m sure we can think of something…

This project was no walk in the park, mainly given my indecision and the sheer number of times we literally reinstalled this mother, and there are some quirky deets that will make or break this option for most people, so you will need to plan out your install just a tad and I can show you how to overcome some of the obstacles we faced with the quirks inherant to this house. I will be back for a second post in this series later in the week to share how I installed this beaut, despite these tricky things about our space and some additional info on the door itself. An utterly modern and yet totally vintage piece itself…

Plus doesn’t it just look cool? It’s nice to see a rolling door that is modern in appearance and not barn like. Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t a thing wrong with rustic, but I like to see the diversity in things, don’t you? If you have an awkward area of your home that needs more square footage or that has not such an ideal situation with the way your doors open, a rolling door is such a fabulous option to solve the problem. We are sleeping more easily in the early morning, and I definitely have this invention to thank for it. If you would like to browse the hardware styles and options they have at Rolling Door Designs, be my guest, they are quite lovely. The style you see here in my article is the Don Draper… doesn’t it just sound awesome, right out of the gate?

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