I had the distinct pleasure of partnering with Bing to completely overhaul Blakey’s room and give him an updated space. One that suits us both a bit better than his last room did. I have been working around the clock for what seems like years… But, of course it hasn’t been years, only weeks, and I am so excited to share it with you guys today! It has been quite the rollercoaster of experiences and is one of the reasons for my absence lately and I am glad to finally have something to show for it! Feels amazing… even though I am still waiting on a few last minute details to arrive by mail, so technically it’s not quite complete, it’s close enough to share with you before I head out of town next week for SNAP Conference, where I shall be teaching and speaking on something near and dear to us here at TDC, but more on that later!
For now a feast for the senses and some fun details about how I reward myself for something I do constantly anyhow. Since I know you all do this too, you might as well be rewarded with Bing Rewards also, especially since it requires absolutely nothing on your part except for a login.. which is exactly nothing in this day and age! This won’t be a post with very many words, so browse and stick around till the end for the fun details… then stay tuned through out the week for all of the project DIY’s that went into this room and a full source list to come! Yahoo
DIY Project Update //
Easy DIY Vintage Inspired Yarn + Fiber Art Wall Hanging
Easy DIY Custom Wire + Wood Modular Shelving with Washi Tape Trim
My sweet adorable, sometimes demon seed 6 year old gave me quite a few ‘rules’ to work around for this project. The first being, no baby stuff. Of course, he is still quite attached to many of his younger memories so his shelves that are up high are for exactly those things that he doesn’t play with but wants to keep around to remember. I was required to use a very particular blue, he wanted plants ‘like I have’, comfy pillows, and given his age he has needs that are pretty tricky since he is still small yet isn’t small, if you folks with 6 year olds out there know what I mean. He doesn’t quite need a desk yet, but he will so he is kind of in between larger furniture pieces and smaller stuff that still suits his comfort level so I made sure to mix the two for now till we are fully transitioned into the land of the big. Besides, the Bird loves to hang in brother’s room so having the smaller chairs in there is perfect for him as well. For my own needs, I need to not see all the stuff he plays with, or his clothes. So the bins I found are precisely for my non-viewing pleasure, and they look good too. Don’t you love a good set of storage bins? I have 2 cute sets in this space, and I will share all of the details in the next day or so! A night light was also important so that I don’t end up with 12 legs in my own bed. Honestly I don’t think there are actually 12 legs crammed in my bed, who really knows…but it feels that way in the middle of the night and as a mom you lose count after the first set comes crawling in for the 2nd (or 3rd) time, don’t you? Ugh. Pretty was also on his list and I’m pretty sure ‘cool’ was thrown in there somewhere too… right along side ‘some shiny stuff’ and, ‘don’t make it look dumb’.
As if… don’t they know by now?

What do you think? You guys!!! I am so excited about this room. It challenged me in so many ways I can’t even tell you. I planned, and pinned, and researched for the best deals online. I made a several of the projects for this space and I hunted for the perfect inspiration for the wall treatment (and then redid that sucker about 89 times). I surfed craiglist, and stalked a few people until they sold me their goods whether they wanted to or not and I earned a mighty sum of Bing Rewards in a very short amount of time. They now have an app, which is perfect for me since I do a lot of surfing of those interwebs from my phone. You know, while I am doing other tasks like feeding the baby or riding in the car, so in just a few weeks I racked up enough points on just this project to earn myself Silver status! Yahoo, and now I shall be able to redeem those points for gift cards to Amazon (yahoo), Starbuck’s (yahoo), Sephora (if I ever left the house other than to run to Home Depot this might be nice). I shop from Amazon so much for projects so this is a perfect marriage of work and reward for me! Like truly madly deeply, love!

You can sign up for Bing Rewards and earn your own points every time you search or just for jumping on the internet, even for playing along in a fun little game or learning a fun fact, which is cool. You don’t have to do anything but sign up. No cost, no effort, just their way of saying thank you for using Bing. And that my friends is pretty cool!
I am awfully grateful to them for sponsoring this project and grateful to you for sharing in this project with me. It almost killed me here this last week trying to get it done before I leave, so it feels amazing to see if virtually completed. I hope you like it, and share it, and sign up and earn some coffee… on me… actually on Bing (I’m just the pretty room behind the big cool brand!) #BingRewards is where it’s at my friends
This post was created in partnership with Bing.
I’m required to disclose a sponsored partnership between our site and Bing. I have been compensated in exchange for this post in the form of payment, product or experiences.