I have been secretly working on a big project behind the scenes here at the House of TDC, with the amazing folks at Kohler. Consequently bathroom design has been on my mind in a very big way. The bath is a funny space, that both requires an immense amount of functionality and encompasses all of the challenges of small space living at it's finest. It is often difficult to add style and personality to something that is so completely dictated by function but I am determined to do precisely this. With an overload of visual inspiration, it is hard to sort through all of the spaces I am drawn to, but eventually some patterns begin to emerge from the rubble and I can see that I am drawn to certain features time and time again.
Generally this is a pretty darn good indication of where my head space is with a particular project and where I am likely to find myself ending up when all is said and done. Right now that path appears to be paved with unique options for the ever important bathroom mirror and streamlined and minimal floating vanities. This roundup of bathrooms is riddled with subtle nods to a bygone era that I happen to adore and each space flaunts a unique spin on a gorgeous round over-sized mirror in place of the more typical rectangular version found in bathrooms around the world. I just love a break with tradition so perhaps this is precisely the kind of risk I might take in the bath.

What do you think? Too outside the box? Risky in that I might like it only for a short while? Do you like to take risks when you make changes in your home or do you prefer to play it safe with bigger decisions?