It is so much easier said than done when it comes to 'not sweating the small stuff'. At least for me. It seems like the small stuff is precisely what starts the avalanche of mess in my house. No decent place to put that belt, so you set it on your dresser and before you know it, a week's worth of 'I might wear it again laundry' is right there with it. Ya, you know you all do it too… it's like the plague and then it spreads and multiplies. Ugh. I am excited to say I have picked up the pace on the closet a bit, after a huge delay from the wisdom teeth saga and subsequent infection which I absolutely still have and can't seem to shake. Aside from all that, it was the business of trying to figure out how to store the small stuff that was a major mental hurdle for me. As you can see, I settled on a solution or two and after living with them for a bit, I am fairly confident I love them and they shall work perfectly!
To view all projects in this closet case series, in order, check out the articles below to see how far we have come!
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light // Easy Lighting Update
DIY // From Wiry Slobs to Sleek Hanging Rods
Just Add Shelves // Easy DIY Shelving for Stylish Shoe Storage
I feel like we are blogging this in real time and by real time I actually mean 'as slow as molasses'. But, that is just about how things go around here, especially these days. I still have so many other things to address in this space, and of course there is the whole issue of the mister's side of the closet. I can tell you with certainty that he is coming around to the idea of making some sweeping changes there. I mean, how can you not when my side looks so puurrrrtttty. Right? I think… I am not sold on the whole jewelry display arrangement at the moment, though truly that is the one aspect of this that is temporary and in need of a good DIY project I think. It's hard to find something that doesn't rest on a surface that will handle everything from rings to earrings. For now, the stem of a tree shaped kid toy and a towel holder will suffice.
To check out the other projects for this space so far…
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light // Easy Lighting Update
DIY // From Wiry Slobs to Sleek Hanging Rods
Just Add Shelves // Easy DIY Shelving for Stylish Shoe Storage

Since I decided not to build out the entire closet at this point in my life, with a wild toddler on the loose and a seven year old who enjoys chaos more than calm, I have gone the route of budget friendly and easily obtainable for the main pieces and basic storage structure. Everything else is fair game here, but for the large pieces so far things seem to be taking a path of all white, all IKEA, and easy on the wallet to be sure. Except for the art. This particular art print is from my favorite online haunt – shutterstock, duh. But I do have several other pieces planned for this space, and they are pretty special so I can't wait to show you!
IMAGES // Rayan Turner for The Design Confidential
Enudden Scarf and Belt Holder (actually a towel holder but whatev)
Have you been making any sweeping changes at home? Maybe you are less impatient than I and you are attempting to build out a space to custom perfection? I hope so… I will live vicariously through you! This space is in no way done or even close yet to be honest, but slowly we march along, one tiny step at a time…