From Fandom to FANtail in 3 Easy Colors – said no one ever… which is precisely why I am calling on you fabulous folks to help me do just such a thing! So what exactly is a FANtail you ask? Well get excited, because when we finish with it, it will be the best cocktail this side of the Mississippi – using my favorite team's colors of red, white and gold. That's right, we will be taking the art of FANdom to staggering new heights!
At least that is how I see this happening…. there might even be confetti! Or maybe just a pom pom?
And on that note, I am super excited to announce my partnership with Smirnoff Ice this fabulous football season – as we celebrate female football fans everywhere – and take those manly tailgating parties from Eek to Chic – whose with me?
First on my list is to create the ultimate FANtail using Smirnoff Ice as my foundation. Now I suppose right off the bat I am extremely lucky that my team's colors just so happen to be super easy to work with. Imagine if I had to work with black or blue… Not impossible, but certainly more difficult – amiright?
There are so many decisions to make… and I think we should make this a group project as you may have noticed… but I suppose we should start at the beginning and decide – sweet or savory? What say you?
Most of the Smirnoff Ice flavors are on the sweet side, which is naturally an easy direction to take here. But why limit ourselves to what is easy, eh? With several flavor options in the citrus family, it shouldn't be too difficult to make the leap to the savory or salty spectrum here, without things getting weird. That is always a good thing in my book. Halloween is over so there shouldn't be any fright in this delight, if you know what I mean.
Now that isn't to say that we can't make things complex and dare I say 'interesting' with our flavor combinations… Truly, there are so many directions I can see this going, so I turn to you for guidance and input along the way! I hope you will join me and let's just see how this little culinary social experiment turns out… Maybe it is like our very own 'Cocktail Idol' with voting and judging – obviously I need to think this through, but it sounds fun, don't you think?

Sweet or Savory – this will be our first decision.
On the sweet side, think strawberries, cranberries, raspberries – divine! Maybe even Rhubarb, coconut, caramel and spice…
On the savory side, think tomatoes, Sriracha, and bell peppers – delish! Maybe even radishes, radicchio, citrus and salt… Lend me your taste buds and take your pick.
A big thank you to Smirnoff Ice for partnering with me on this. This will be the first in an ongoing series and of many fun things to come and I can't wait to see where it takes us. And thank you fine folks for supporting the brands that help bring fresh new content and projects like this to The Design Confidential. I heart you guys, and as usual all ideas and opinions are my own!