You guys! I have been around the world and back and I have missed you so… Well maybe not quite around the world, but at least as far as Paris and London and I have so much to tell share with you – but first a fabulous and easy DIY project that is just the thing for those Moms out there who appreciate home decor, architecture or photography of any variety, and of course memory making at its finest. This month Michael’s asked us to share a project that would be perfect for a Mothers Day gift. Since my recent travels included my maja and seester, what could be better than a gift that celebrates that very thing?
To complete your own version of this project, track down a few of your fave pictures and print them out in black and white, on fine art paper or matte photo paper. Make sure you have your print settings set to high quality printing so your images are crisp and sharp. I chose one image from Paris – my Hugo moment (if you have seen that movie, you will get the reference) looking out from the Musee D’Orsay onto the gorgeous and very immense grounds and buildings of the Lourve.
Embellish your images with embroidery, faux florals, gold wire, glitter, beads… you name it – so many things you can choose for this. I think it will be easiest if you choose your embellishments based on your image and what might really bring it to life. For mine, I thought some embroidery and a bit of gold leaf like dimensional paint would be just the thing.

Once you are finished embellishing your images, you can choose a frame type. If you chose to embellish with 3 dimensional items, you can choose a shadowbox frame or simply remove the glass from the front and let it all hang out there. My picture was printed at 8×10 on an 8 1/2 x 11″ sheet, so I chose a frame that was 11 x 14 and matted to an 8×10 size. It was the perfect choice I think! I love the extra matted space around the photo. Much more elegant than with an 8×10 frame.
What do you think? Does your mama love photos and other memory making paraphenalia? I don’t know a mom who doesn’t…
Michaels has everything you need to craft the perfect handmade gift that will make Mom’s day.
If you don’t know where to begin, you can always take a look at some of the fun projects on or the other 49 Makers’ ideas on The Glue String for to see how they personalized their crafts!