DIY + Projects Roundup Vol. 1 Issue 1

06.20.11 By //

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I am excited to bring you a new series here on TDC! This is not a new concept, and others have already joined the bandwagon, but honestly who cares! yahoo. I’m throwing caution to the wind and I plan to bring you a weekly roundup of DIY + Projects for your weekend! This is of course, in addition to my own projects provided for you throughout the week, but it should help round us out a tad here at TDC, and celebrate the fabulousness that can be found all around the interwebs!

So I bring  Volume 1 of our DIY + Projects Roundup! Stay tuned for Vol. 2, a green themed DIY + Projects helping us to usher in a little Luck of the Irish!

Links to the Full Project Tutorials can be found at the bottom of this article!

Love this coin purse, would be cute as a little gift bag too! I even think I might be able to make it since it requires NO SEWING!

I am loving how this simple glitter project has such big impact! And I am always loving glitter, and typography… this is the best of both worlds, no?

Adore this cloud rug. Inspired by a project we have in our very own DIY Collective thanks to Young House Love! So simple too!

This project might be a tiny bit tedious, ya? But seriously who cares…it's GORG!

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