This may be one of the most amazing spaces I have ever seen, if not THE most amazing space. It just happens to be for a kiddo and that makes this even more fabulous, need I say more?
This picture below is from a retail site, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the same amazing gal who designed the space above may have styled the space below. The similarities are too uncanny to go without notice. It only cements my love for this space, every single thing in it, and the design style in general. I find myself coming back to this style, time and time again, and yet when it comes to my own home I rarely achieve such a look. I think it’s time to go white…all out white, with a bit of gray of course, and neutral…and driftwood weathered and fabulous!
I think some white paint, graphic prints on fabric and more of my reclaimed wood stain finish are in order…what do you think?
Images: Kjerstis Lykke, Hviit