
Space: A Celebration of Art in a Modern Eclectic Schoolhouse

07.08.11 By //
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The artist who transformed this space from an old schoolhouse from the late 1800’s, has chosen and entirely different path for her home’s design than you might typically find in such a space. A showcase and celebration of art and collected pieces, this home is truly made to suit the items it contains and the people who live here, rather than the other way around. I for one, find this refreshing and fabulous. This is a space that speaks to the beauty found in so many art forms, even raw building materials and unfinished plasterboard. Handmade and with love, both new and old remain, a mix I highly value and enjoy together. Gorgeous natural materials, handwritten notes, and beautiful vignettes all displayed and arranged with the utmost care.


Images via: Skona Hem

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