I am no master carpenter, and some of this was challenging for me, but thanks for the great plans, and a project I really needed to store my picture frame backings and accessories.
I have a lot of wide flat articles to store and that need some protection from shop elements.
I first thought of buying what is called a flat file or map file. These are storage files that are used often by artists, framers, and engineers to store art and plans that they don’t want to fold up. These units costs anywhere from $400 to several thousand dollars.
Whenever you see one advertised from Amazon or google for less, it is always just the base or cap or some accessory to the file
This project cost my about $220…but that included buying way too much paint…did you know how far a gallon can go? I also bought a Kreg jig Jr. & a craig clamp which worked well made much of the work a breeze.
I gave the top a Roman Ogee profile & some weird profile with the ogee bit on the two front legs.
Great project and first foray into a paint finish. I like the color which I tried to match with the plan. Did I get close?
All this thing needs is a polyacrylic finish for the top.