Internet Strikes out Against SOPA and PIPA

01.18.12 By //
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This issue is an important one for all of us as bloggers! If you read the fine print, the censorship extends beyond simply those who partake in copyright infringement to those conected in some way shape or form to those who have partaken in copyright infringement, and these bills give the governement the right to not only censor but block internet sites that are even remotely connected to any site or social media outlet that they deem to be in violation. Think Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flikr… we all use these tools and we use them responsibly, but if these bills are passed, there will be a big brother watching who deems their judgement and punishment to be more fitting. If they deem your site to ‘have little or no purpose’ then they have the right to get rid of it. That sounds very scary to me. Please join me in striking out against this very broad spectrum attempt at Internet Censorship and read up on the information for yourselves. If you feel this isn’t right, please sign the petition or contact your local congressman to let them know!


Since I was having trouble making my site go ‘dark’ I thought I would simply share this info with you and let you decide for yourselves what kind of role our government should play in determining which sites they deem to ‘have a purpose’ and those they deem not to. eek.

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