This project has been ‘in progress’ for literally months. It’s ridiculous really, given how simple these DIY curtains actually are, but you see, shortly after starting this project I found out I was expecting baby #2, and promptly began having morning sickness… awesome. Now that things are beginning to settle a bit I have been attempting to finish all of the fabulous things I started way back when! We are only 3/4 way through the year now, no big deal… and better late than never I suppose! So, let’s get started with the ‘how to’ on this bad boy before I lose steam again, shall we?
I have included photos for the step by step instructions, but for those of you who aren’t at work, there is an adorable (and relatively short) video near the bottom of my Monster Mash boy showing you how to create these beauties on your own! Thank you to for sponsoring this post and project! I hope you enjoy… Be sure to pay special attention to the safety and prep items listed below. Even simple acrylic paint in a well ventilated area can be more toxic than you think and your eyes and throat will suffer for it.
- White Muslin Fabric (or any fabric of your choosing)
- ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape
- 3M TEKK Eye Protection
- 3M TEKK Respiratory Protection
- Paint Brush or Small Roller
- DecoArt Acrylic Paint in your choice of color
- DecoArt Fabric Medium
- Iron
I began by cutting my fabric into 8 foot lengths, and then folded it in half (at the 4 foot mark) to delineate where my lines should meet (in the middle, duh). I taped off the pattern I wanted to create using Scotch Blue Painters Tape. I was sure to make the points precise on the inside of the pattern (in between the tape lines) using scissors so that it looked proper.
The small bottle of DecoArt Fabric Medium calls for a 2:1 ratio, so that means I needed 4 oz of black paint for the 2 oz bottle of Fabric Medium I was using. I mixed them well in a sealable Tupperware container so that I could cover and reuse between curtain panels. I used a 1″ artist’s brush to pounce the fabric medium paint mixture into my taped off pattern, careful not to let it seep under the edges of the tape.

I let the paint dry for half a day or so before pulling the tape off. In this particular instance I was careful when removing my tape template so that I could simply turn it and reapply to my fabric for the bottom half of the panel

I aligned the bottom point so that my painted pattern would meet well in the center, and began the process again. Rinse and repeat if you will…

Once it air dries completely, you will want to follow the instructions on the Fabric Medium bottle and iron and then wash to complete. Once I did all of that I simply cut down the center (vertically) to create to opposing panels and hung them up! Whether this baby is a boy or a girl they will have some fabulous graphic curtain panels to enjoy for months to come! Now that we are at the end of this how-to, enjoy this cute video with a bit more detail and fun where it comes to safety and prep!

3M TEKK Protection
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, 3M DIY.