This a bit of a diversion from the type of articles I have been bringing you lately, my sweet friends, but a tasty one nonetheless! And when done right, a fairly healthy option for a sweet treat! But let me back up a tad before I dive right in…
You know how I have been working with Denio’s to bring you guys some fun flea market shopping articles and thrifted projects? Well for this month’s fun trip out we did something a bit different and shopped the huge selection of fresh farmer’s market produce! And by huge, I actually mean so huge that it isn’t even possible to capture it on camera… believe me I tried. I did manage to capture some amazing shots of some of the finds there, which you will see below, and I wish I could convey the smell to you all. It’s heavenly… fresh, fruity, a bit like a fresh baking bread. In short, amazing. No Joke.
Now a little background on this recipe I’m going to share with you today, and where it comes from… So, I rarely mention Mr. TDC here on the site, but for those of you who follow along via Instagram, you occasionally get a little sneaky peaky of him. You see he is an ‘under the radar and out of the spotlight’ kind of guy, which I respect of course, but it does leave many of you guessing about what things are like for us IRLÂ (in real life). Am I right? Of course I am… kidding. kind of…
Sometimes I sneak in a little photo or two of him while he isn’t looking… which is essentially most of the time, but I still try and be a bit sly about it. Makes it more fun!
See how I did that… he will never even know!
Now, back to my point… You see Mr. TDC is Costa Rican, in case you were wondering from his ethnically ambiguous look in the pictures above, and his mom was born and raised there. I think that is the bees knees my friends, and so this recipe I am sharing with you today is one I was given the pleasure of experiencing in great part through that family tie to Central American delights…
For any of you who have ever visited a place in the Central Americas, you may have had just such a treat in some variety or another and I bet you liked it!
So let’s dive on in shall we? Here is what you will need for this. Be warned… it’s very simple!
- Plantains (these look like oversized bananas)
- Oil (I used Grape Seed Oil for this, since it’s a healthy alternative)
- Sour Cream
Heat a few tablespoons of your oil in a skillet. You want it at a medium heat so that you can cook your plantains all the way through and not burn the outside.

Peel and then slice your plantains in half lengthwise and then cut into thirds.

Place them in your warmed oil, face down and brown.

Flip them over once you see browning begin to seep up the bottom edges.

Brown on the top until the entire plantain is golden brown and looks carmelized just a tad.

Allow them to cool and serve with fresh and chilled sour cream. It’s amazing and I think you will agree… the sweet of the plantains and slightly sour of the sour cream is the most amazing combo… LOVE!

Now, if you can imagine the largest farmer’s market ever and then add a bit more to it with lot’s of antiques and thrifted home decor, that is what Denio’s is… it’s my favorite place on earth, kinda seriously. If you are local, you need to go, it’s probably been too long since you were last there!
This post sponsored by Denio’s, all opinions, ramblings, and craziness are my own…