Here it is – after many weekends of the finished wood sitting on my work bench, it's been assembled and enjoyed.
Built From These Plans
Estimated Cost
Raw materials, including new belt sander and a jig saw, were about $300 for 4 stools, including foam.
Length of Time
From start to finish, 8 weeks, but true build time is about 7 days.
We opted for a ladder back to keep light and unobstructed views.
Lumber Used
Hearthy Pine, we couldn't find 2″ x 4″, so we used 2″ x 12″ and cut it into thirds to make the rear legs.
Finishing Technique
Putty, 80 grit, 120 grit, 200 grit, belt and palm sander, one coat of Sherwin Williams stain, one coat of polyurethane, sand again with 200 grit palm sander and one final coat of polyurethane.