
Weekend Agenda // A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

05.29.17 By //

The Design Confidential Weekend Agenda // Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope many of you are enjoying a long weekend of family and friends – the best kind. I imagine some of you might also be enjoying the first real weekend of summer vacation. Out here in my neck of the woods (N. California) we are done for the year and I for one could not be more terrified and excited all at the same time. Last summer nearly did me in, with both my boys home and old enough to bicker and bother.

For those of you who check in on the site regularly, you are likely aware of all the crazy that has been going on during our site migration. I’m super excited to say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel… all plans are restored and functional and almost all of the links should work! We just need to fix the images on the plan index pages and we are back in business! For the rest of you, it is possible you haven’t seen the new digs yet and you definitely should – I urge you to come check things out! I am still working out some kinks, and I would love your feedback on things that are not working properly or could simply be better. I have some wonderful things in the works for this site and I can’t wait to roll out the updates.

The Design Confidential Weekend Agenda // Memorial Day Weekend

In other worldly news… if you are looking for a new project to sink your teeth into – I have just the thing:

Our most popular outdoor furniture projects

For those of you who are experiencing warmer temps and need a fun cool down, these are just the thing.

If you need a new family pastime, make one of these with these instructions… mine is still going strong many years later and looks amazing, always. It’s certainly the focal point of my outdoor entertaining.

If some general sprucing is on your radar, this might help you get started!

I will be back with a more complete update on all the site progress this week, but yahoo for how far we have come! I have some great content lined up for you guys this week and I couldn’t be more excited to get back in the saddle – posting new projects instead of fixing past projects.


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