This project was hard. The End. But this portion I am sharing with you today, was not hard. This version is simple and you can finish this project in a day which will be mainly dry time. It turned out so fabulously that I am fairly certain I will repeat it a few more times! Next time it will be so much easier to do, since I feel like I truly figured out the process this go around, and perfected it. Now you guys can do this too and can skip the 17 versions I completed that didn’t work, not even a little bit… yay for that!
This project is part of an amazing blog hop brought to you by ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape and The Home Depot, you can find that fabulousness here at Ready, Set, Paint Blog Hop, and more info at the bottom of this post, yahoo… and also we have a GIVEAWAY! Yay! One of you fabulous friends will walk away with a $75 The Home Depot Gift Card! Woot Woot.. Let’s get this party started with a little DIY fun! Then on to the giveaway and bloggity hop!
- ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape
- Concrete Resurfacer
- Universal Mixer Attachment for your Drill
- Bucket
- Masonry Brush
- Trowel
- 12″ Concrete Tube Form at 48″
- Paint in a color of your choice
- Water Seal (optional)
- Jig Saw or Circular Saw
- Large Drill Bit
- 3/4″ plywood at 24″x24″
- 3/4″ self tapping screws
I taped off my concrete tube form using ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape at the 20″ mark, from either end, so that I would have an easy to see guide for my table height. Then using a large drill bit, I drill pilot holes close to my tape lines so that I could start my jig saw with ease. Simply cut around the tape line on both sides to cut your form to size using a jig saw (easiest for me) or a circular saw if you prefer.

I traced around the inside of my concrete tube form to set my table top size appropriately, and then cut them out using my jig saw.

I used self tapping screws to attach my top to the form sitting just inside the lip of the form.

Mix your concrete resurfacer with water according to the instructions on the package. Use your handy dandy mixer attachment on a very low and slow speed to mix your material. You want to end up with a consistency that is something like really thick pancake batter for this to work how it should.

Use your Masonry Brush and paint on a thin layer of the concrete resurfacer. Once you have covered the base, use your trowel to cover the top (this is much easier than trying to use the brush for the top for some reason) and smooth a bit.

Allow it to dry partially (about 70%) then sand smooth. Be careful not to sand off your thin layer of concrete. If you need to touch up, this is the time to do so while your material is still wet enough. If you want to add a thick layer of concrete, do this in steps with thin layers each time, and work your way up. If you layer too soon you will have that experience of accidentally wiping off your first layer as you attempt to add on to it.
Allow your tables to completely cure for 24 hours or the recommended time on the package. Once dry you are ready to tape and paint!
Be sure to choose a paint color with a bit of a sheen to help seal any unfinished edges on the tube form. This will also help the tables weather a bit better. Give the edges and the bottom inch of the underside a very good coat or two of your paint.

I used a foam brush, since they grab quite a bit of paint, and used a stippling motion (pouncing) since the tables have quite a bit of texture. I worked my way around making sure to hit every single nook and cranny. I only did one coat, but I did a very good thick single coat.

I like to remove my tape right away but this is a personal preference and not a requirement! For me it helps to know if I have made an error before I put my painting supplies away, so I ‘check’ my work early…
I would recommend a water seal spray of some sort if you live in a wet climate, just to be sure you don’t have exposed cardboard around the bottom. Otherwise enjoy!

Love, love, love these beauties and they are very light weight too! Easy to pick up and move around but sturdy enough for outdoor use! Though I’m thinking indoor use would be fabulous too.
See another project from this blog-hop here: Centsational Girl – Textured Panel Dresser Makeover
Now who is ready for that giveaway I promised? You? Awesome! Enter using the form below!
This post was brought to you in partnership with The Home Depot and ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape.
3 comments on “Ready Set Paint Project & GIVEAWAY: DIY Concrete Color Block Painted Tables with ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape and The Home Depot”