This year has been downright insane. No joke, it has almost killed me off on more than one occasion, which is why you didn’t see my dream tree post go up last month. Insert sad face here. Normally when life gets crazy, which is usually this time of year, I want to hide in a hole and not come out until spring… but since that isn’t an option and never actually has been, getting my hands dirty and making a huge crafty mess is a decent substitute and just the medicine I need to calm the chaos and quiet the voices…
With a higher than average amount of holiday decorating that took place this year, I wanted to head in an entirely different direction with my own holiday decor. So, this became the year the kids got to help. Well, as much as a gal of my profession can handle their help before losing my mind. Why is it that I can’t let them do their thing and have a blast without mapping out how I can switch things up once they go to bed? I am sure some of you relate, but for those of you that don’t, I think the rest of us need an intervention. I had no problem letting them put their mark on making some ornaments, though, and my littlest bird loved helping make the balloon dogs and clay icicles. He also liked unraveling the yarn while I was trying to finger knit (not that easy, by the way – but also not super difficult) which was amazingly helpful, to be sure. My Blakey helped me cut out several of the moon circles, right up until he saw sheet after sheet of moon circles needing to be cut, and threw in the towel. It was also in that moment that I had the bright idea to let the Cricut machine do the heavy lifting. Duh…
As with the holiday decor I brought into my space way back in October, I brought pattern and color to my tree by printing my designs and cutting, folding and pasting them into and onto ornaments and blanks. It was the most satisfying group of ornaments and trimmings we have ever made. By we, I really just mean me and maybe the Bird, he sure did love working with the clay – and consequently smashing and killing the clay into an enormous mess. The day my boys don’t build, destroy and make the hugest mess ever will be a day for the record books indeed. All in the name of holiday spirit, amiright?
This year the holiday decor at Michael’s was pretty amazing – if you didn’t have a chance to see it, you should try to get yourself out to your local store and pick through the good stuff that remains – it is marked down up to 70% off for a limited time! They have really tuned in to the public-at-large and have a fabulous variety of some pretty rad pieces. When I saw the gold antler picks and faux antlers in their holiday florals… I did a big excited happy dance right in the middle of the store. Every year I have used antlers in my tree (at least 5 or more years now) they have been the real deal, and folks that makes them heavy, so incredibly heavy. Yahoo for fantastic holiday production! Don’t even get me started on all of the mirrored, modern, graphic text, and furry goodness that was plentifull. This ‘always pushing the envelope with abstract holiday trimmings’ gal is super appreciative.
Along with their specialty holiday decor du jour, I always bring in a healthy dose of floral and feathered finds as well, so these are a good investment for me anytime I can find them on sale. Plants and softy or sparkly pretties will never go out of style, so even if you change up your holiday decor every year, I imagine many of these items could be neutral tree trimming staples.
Unique or beautiful wired ribbon always needs a place on the tree and can be grounded in your gift wrap as well, if that’s your thing. I always stock up on this when I see something I love and I keep the sections I cut for the tree to use in the future. Ribbon is such an easy way to make a big impact without spending a small fortune.
I don’t typically bring red into my holiday decor or my home in large doses, so in true-to-me fashion, I painted the candy canes in camel colored leather. Of course by paint, I actually mean hot glued, but who doesn’t love a good romp with the old hot glue gun every now and then? I only take mine out of my craft supply closet once or twice a year, but each and every time I wonder why I don’t think of it more often. It really is the easiest way to secure things, more often than not.
GET THE LOOK // Stock up on these holiday decor items and handmade holiday supplies while they are on sale! You can use them year after year and they will always make your tree trimmings absolutely showstopping! Major markdowns at Michael’s (like 70% off!) through the 17th so don’t wait because the goods will get gone before you can kick yourself for not moving more quickly.

This post was created in partnership with Michael’s and my role as a Michael’s Maker! Thank you for supporting the brands that help bring new ideas and projects to this site. As per the usual, all opinions and ideas are 100% my own!