Home / Studio
This post was brought to you by Lennox. Innovation never felt so good. Contact your local Lennox dealer today to learn more about the precise and efficient HVAC products Lennox offers.
Two weeks ago it rained and temps were hovering in the mid-sixties, which in this neck of the woods typically means no one goes outside to play. No less than seven days later, the temperatures are well over a hundred and far too hot to go outside for any reason at all. In Northern California, temperatures above the one hundred mark are a standard occurrence, from June till August. While the climate here is anything but humid, it is just humid enough, that no amount of shade makes it bearable to sit outside, at least not by choice.
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Build / DIY
Finishing School is in session, my friends… and today we are covering some new finishes that are perfect to add to your finishing arsenal – stained glass, all-weather wood and even some leather. The fabulous thing about the main finish is that it will work on raw wood – or in other words – newly built furniture, if you catch my drift. If you want to dress up your glass inserts, I will show you a fantastic way to do it.
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Design / DIY / Home / Shopping / Studio
Curb appeal… that tricky little concept that can be somewhat elusive and difficult to nail down. The very definition of curb appeal is entirely subjective, but when things have spiraled out of control, your neighbors are usually irritated at the sincere lack of appeal your home gives off, in unison.
From the windows to the walls, curb appeal involves absolutely everything you can see from the curb. That is quite a bit of real estate to consider when you are trying to up the ante and show off a bit of your personal style without straying too far from the confines of your neighborhood’s existing style. Because being the odd man out on the block, is not usually a good thing…
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I have been meaning to showcase this gorgeous build for more than a year now… I know, I am horribly slow and I am behind on showcases like you would not believe! But this beauty deserves the spotlight and the mods are fantastic. A link to the plans this was built from is below, along with a link to her post that shares how she modified this beauty!
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Home / Studio
My latest article for Build. Design. Live. is live, and I am over the moon excited about it. For those of you who struggle to pull together a room in your home, that you absolutely love, this week’s article is just the thing for you. I share a bit of my personal design philosophy, and talk you through the steps you should always take, regardless of where you are at in decorating your spaces. Read More
Get ready to upgrade those dinner parties! Introducing some insanely easy plans for our Low Rise Bohemian Table. At only 18 inches high, this table will bring the party to amazing new heights! You can even put two of these bad boys side by side and have a perfectly square six foot table for an insane amount entertaining! Read More
Home / Studio
Once upon a time, in a far away land called the internet, a brand new design network was born. This magnificent design network grew into a glorious creature with the magical gift of nailing that sweet spot between real life experiences and fantastic how-to’s. Many creatures to come before this, have tried and fallen short of achieving true glory in the real life realm of DIY and Design… But not Build. Design. Live. Read More
Design / Home / Shopping / Studio
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BLANCO. The opinions and text are all mine.
With two boys who manage to have multiple wardrobe changes each day, and the other wild animals in this house, we do a lot of laundry. It is the never-ending story that you never wanted to hear in the first place, eek. Read More
Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope many of you are enjoying a long weekend of family and friends – the best kind. I imagine some of you might also be enjoying the first real weekend of summer vacation. Out here in my neck of the woods (N. California) we are done for the year and I for one could not be more terrified and excited all at the same time. Last summer nearly did me in, with both my boys home and old enough to bicker and bother. Read More
Design / Home / Studio
If you furnish and decorate your home yourself, how do you know when you are finished with a space? Is there a natural stopping point in your decorating process? Do you ever actually feel like a space is utterly complete or do your spaces evolve along with you, over time? For someone in my particular line of work, I suppose you can imagine that I spend a lot of time working and reworking my decor. It is the nature of the beast, so to speak… and frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. The constant flux and flow of design elements suits me.
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Ah yes… My love for Margaritas runs deep, my friends. While I don’t tend to celebrate Cinco de Mayo-in public, you know… with other humans- the occasion is always a great excuse to experiment with new ways to make this beloved, classic cocktail.
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Entertaining / Studio
It’s that time of year when the temperatures start to rise and Mother Nature starts to hint at turning up the heat. All I need is the slightest suggestion and I am on board and ready to roll with summertime fun! In honor of the lengthy stay-cation on the horizon, I am rolling out the red carpet for my favorite time of year with a few summery sweet treats. What say you, are you tired of this never ending winter too? Let’s revolt…
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