Free DIY Furniture Plans // How to Build a Minimal Bench
It’s that time of year again, when the faux pumpkins start to spring forth from my faux garden, or a little place I like to call Michael’s… and this year’s design is already set in stone with a DIY Faux Marble design. You see what I did there? Yep, feeling pretty clever today. Actually it has been something of a tough couple of weeks here at the Turner Casa so I am scrambling to catch up and a bit scatter brained, so hopefully this tutorial isn’t all over the place! But truly this DIY project is far easier than it looks, so hang on to your socks and let’s take a trip down faux finishing lane.
A gorgeous Emmerson Dining Bench to match a gorgeous Emmerson Dining Table…. and an adorable pup to model their hard work for us. I’m not sure it gets any better than fur babies and real babies, in an on furniture, acting like humans, that are in and on furniture pieces built by said humans. So good, am I right? A fabulous build indeed, thanks for sharing with us on Instagram @Josie_Havana.
To view hundreds of other amazing real reader builds, check out or showcase page. Of course you can also browse our hundreds of plans and build yourself something amazing. If you have built from our plans and would like to show us your hard work, please send me an email with pictures and details of your build!
I hope many of you had a lovely holiday weekend and my heart is breaking for those affected by Hurricane Harvey. If you have some sincere ideas of how we might join together as a community and physically help those in need, please speak up. I would love to brainstorm with all of you super smarties….
When last we left off on my family room redesign, you actually had no idea I was even working on one. It has been such a crazy year around here so far and I am glad to have both kids back in school. It gives me the chance to resume something of a normal schedule. With both boys home, there is no chance of getting much done around here, at all.
DIY Plans for a Steppe Tallboy Dresser have been high on my project request list for quite some time. Many of you have been asking and we are finally bringing you a few matching pieces to coordinate with our ever popular Steppe Dresser! I love a good chest of drawers, and when those drawers are stylish… well that is simply my fave! We have so many DIY Dresser Plans for you to choose from and of course you can browse our entire Plan Index for coordinating pieces!
I have been on the hunt for new seating for the better part of a year now. I have scrolled, swiped and clicked through literally thousands of options. Thousands, I tell you. There are some gorgeous goods out there, many are even comfortable and come in decent fabric or leather options. But still, it always seems to come down to the ever so frustrating choice between form and function.
Make your toddler feel like the king of the wild with this DIY Furniture Plan to Build a Toddler Sized Cabin Bed. This Cabin features 4 lookout windows to keep an eye on all the wildlife, a comfortably pitched roof for lots of headroom and a small staircase just for fun! Build this and maybe your little one will sleep in for a change – or sleep in their own room all night long. If you prefer plans for the Twin Sized Cabin Bed or the Full Sized Cabin Bed, we’ve got you covered! Read More